The published monograph includes results of a study conducted on the base of RC.

Петербуржцы за хороший русский язык

Жители Петербурга и Ленинградской области серьезно обеспокоены состоянием русского языка в России.

Таковы результаты телефонного опроса, который провёл Центр социологических и интернет-исследований Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. Специалисты определяли уровень удовлетворенности населения качеством использования русского языка в профессиональных целях. В опросе приняли участие 1600 человек в возрасте старше 18 лет.

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Information Wars and Online Activism During the 2013/2014 Crisis in Ukraine: Examining the Social Structures of Pro- and Anti-Maidan Groups

Policy & Internet                                                                                                     

Volume 7, Issue 2, pages 121–158, June 2015

Information Wars and Online Activism During the 2013/2014 Crisis in Ukraine: Examining the Social Structures of Pro- and Anti-Maidan Groups

The paper was awarded the “Best Paper” Prize at the biennial Internet, Politics, and Policy conference (IPP2014) (September 25-26, 2014) . The conference was organized by the Oxford Internet Institute (University of Oxford)

This article examines how online groups are formed and sustained during crisis periods, especially when political polarization in society is at its highest level. We focus on the use of Vkontakte (VK), a popular social networking site in Ukraine, to understand how it was used by Pro- and Anti-Maidan groups during the 2013/2014 crisis in Ukraine. In particular, we ask whether and to what extent the ideology (or other factors) of a particular group shapes its network structure. We find some support that online social networks are likely to represent local and potentially preexisting social networks, likely due to the dominance of reciprocal (and often close) relationships on VK and opportunities for group members to meet face-to-face during offline protests. We also identify a number of group-level indicators, such as degree centralization, modularity index and average engagement level, that could help to classify groups based on their network properties. Community researchers can start applying these group-level indicators to online communities outside VK; they can also learn from this article how to identify networks of spam and marketing accounts.

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Workforce of the innovative sphere in the situation of transformation of social and economic space of regions of Russia

Ivanov S.A., Kostin G.A.

Workforce of the innovative sphere in the situation of transformation of social and economic space of regions of Russia

Экономика и управление. 2015, № 5 (115). P. 17-23.

This article presents results of research of problems of formation of the human capital for innovative economy, factors which are slowing down involvement of university graduates in the innovative sphere. Data on dynamics of economic activity of the population are provided in the Northwest federal district. On the example of St. Petersburg are presented the structure of vocational training in universities and VET schools, data on the distribution of graduates from universities and VET schools. Recommendations for involving graduates to the scientific and innovative sphere are submitted.

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Migrants’ networks as a social resource

Ilyin V.I.

Sociology. Natural Sciences. Society. Collection of scientific articles and papers of the All-Russian science conference: “Sociology and natural sciences: interdisciplinary approaches to the study of social reality”. Moscow, 12-13 December 2014. Edited by Pokrovsky N.E., Doctor of Science in sociology, professor. M: “Community of professional sociologists” ROO, “Variant” Ltd, 2014, pp.: 142-146.

Migrants’ networks as a social resource
This article examines the phenomenon of networks as areas of social capital accumulation. When moving to large cities, migrants from small settlements tend to maintain their social networks with their countrymen. These networks exist in two forms. First, new city residents tend to maintain personal connections (particularly in the very beginning). Second, their core friends in the internet networks are their countrymen from the same settlement. This hypothesis was tested by analysing VKontakte social networks performed by the Resource Center for Sociological and Internet Research of the St.Petersburg State University.

Content (in Russian)



What right lunch is in the eyes of residents of St.Petersburg

Ganskau E. Yu., Minina V. N.,
Journal of sociology and social anthropology
Volume XVIII, № 1 (78), 2015, pp. 83-99

What right lunch is in the eyes of residents of St.Petersburg
This article describes the key findings of 26 in-depth interviews with residents of St.Petersburg focusing on ideas of “right lunch” in the context of contemporary eating practices.
The authors focused on the following research problems:
How do residents of St.Petersburg have lunch on regular days?
How do they interpret the concept of “right lunch”?
What do city residents consider right or wrong in their lunch?
What prevents city residents from realizing the principles of “right food” in practice?
This research is part of a big project on everyday food consumption conducted in two stages.

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Межнациональные отношения и проблемы трудовой миграции в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге: сравнительный анализ

  Представляем результаты социологического исследования "Межнациональные отношения и проблемы трудовой миграции в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге: сравнительный анализ" (научный руководитель проекта Сергей Анатольевич Иванов, доктор экономических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник факультета социологии СПбГУ) , проведенного Ресурсным центром СПбГУ «Центр социологических и Интернет-исследований».

Исследование было проведено в период с 28 сентября по 8 октября 2013 года методом телефонного опроса. Целью исследования являлась оценка состояния межнациональных отношений, выявление основных проблем в этой сфере, определение сформировавшихся этностереотипов, этнофобий у жителей этих двух мегаполисов.

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Жизнь на колесах

По итогам проекта "Трудовая миграция как фактор новых социальных неравенств", проведенного на базе РЦ ЦСИИ, опубликована статья

Ивлева Ирина Владимировна

Мигранты в сфере городского транспорта - «Жизнь на колесах»

// Вестник Санкт-Петербургского Университета, 2014. Серия 12. Вып.3. С. 208-217 (РИНЦ. ВАК).

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Practice of state and church in social assistance to family and children in modern Russia

Practice of state and church in social assistance to family and children in modern Russia (on the matirials of Saint Petersburg): Collective monograph / ed. by A.N.Voronov, E.A.Voronova. - St. Petersburg: "Scyphia-print", 2013 

This collective monoghraph was prepared by scientists of St. Petersburg State University together with the practices of St. Petersburg, The Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Russian Federation, and the St. Petersburg Diocese. The edition is a result of two years of research work on the topic of "Social practices of state and church in social assistance to family and children". 

The monoghraph is divided into thematic sections. The first section exemines the current state of social assistance to family and children by public systems. The second section exemines the provisioning of social assistance to family and children in the parishes if the Diocese of St. Petersburg Russian Orthodox Church.





По результатам телефонного опроса по теме "Общественное мнение петербуржцев о событиях на Украине" (11–14 марта 2014) подготовлена публикация:



//Вестник СПбГУ. Сер.6. 2014. Вып.3. С.115-124 (РИНЦ. ВАК eLib).

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Победить коррупцию поможет ужесточение уголовного законодательства

Россияне считают, что победить коррупцию поможет ужесточение уголовного законодательства, сообщает пресс-служба СПбГУ.

Согласно результатам всероссийского опроса, почти 40% россиян уверены, что лишение свободы – эффективное оружие в борьбе с теми, кто берет взятки. Опрос был проведен специалистами-социологами СПбГУ с использованием возможностей ресурсного центра «Центр социологических и интернет-исследований» Научного парка Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

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