The published monograph includes results of a study conducted on the base of RC.

Кого из мигрантов петербуржцы любят больше

Результаты телефонного опроса по теме "Медиа и символическая политика: отношение петербуржцев", проведенного на базе РЦ ЦСИИ (Руководитель проекта: Ольга Валентиновна Попова, доктор политических наук, профессор факультета политологии СПбГУ), опубликованы на сетевом журнале "Город 812".

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Priorities of development of Personnel Potential for the Innovation Economy of regions in Russia

Ivanov S.A., Snopova S.M.

Priorities of development of Personnel Potential for the Innovation Economy of regions in Russia

Perspective for the development of Russia and Germany as members of the WTO. Collection of scientific articles / Under edidorship Sovershaeva L.P. SPB.: GUAP, 2013. Р. 38-40.

The article analyze problems of staffing of the scientific and innovative sphere. Presents the results of assessment of the factors which are slowing down involvement of university graduates in the science and innovations sphere. The conclusion: the negative transformation of social and economic space, crisis in economy are factors for reducing of motivation of youth to innovative activity. As well, the scientific and innovative sphere isn't ready to provide the necessary conditions for graduates: high salary, conditions for researches, clear prospects of career development, etc. Recommendations for involving graduates to the scientific and innovative sphere are submitted.


What is Happiness for Russians?

According to the survey conducted by SPSU using a representative country sample, over three quarters (77.5%) of Russians consider themselves happy. The differences in assessment of happiness between men and women are not significant. However, age influence is evident: the older the respondent is, the less likely he/she thinks of himself/herself as of a happy person. An overwhelming majority (86.9%) of respondents 18-29 years old think of themselves as of happy people. Among those 60 years old and above, 65% of respondents consider themselves happy. At the same time, the number of respondents who refused to provide an answer increases with age. The survey shows that residents from rural settlements feel the happiest: 81% of these respondents report being happy. However, there is no clear pattern between the type of settlement and the way people think whether they are happy or unhappy. Fewer respondents who are happiest (74.1%) and more respondents who are the least happy (17.9%) reside in urban-type settlements and cities with population of less than 20 thousand people.

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А. Г. Агафонова

«Морские ворота» Санкт-Петербурга: Канонерский остров в дискурсе городских публик // Социология власти, 2013. № 3. С.94-111. (РИНЦ ВАК eLib).

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«Морские ворота» Санкт-Петербурга: Канонерский остров в дискурсе городских публик

А. Г. Агафонова

«Морские ворота» Санкт-Петербурга: Канонерский остров в дискурсе городских публик

// Социология власти, 2013. № 3. С.94-111. (РИНЦ ВАК eLib).

Книга подготвлена с учетом результатов телефонного опроса по теме "Место Канонерского острова Санкт-Петербурга в общегородской социокультурной системе", проведенного на базе РЦ ЦСИИ (научный руководитель Владимир Вячеславович Козловский, доктор философских наук, профессор факультета социологии СПбГУ).

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What is Justice for Russians?

According to the survey conducted by SPSU using a representative country sample, more respondents (39.7%) consider justice to be a way of distribution of spiritual and material wealth “according to labor”. About a quarter of respondents (23.2%) believe justice is a way of wealth distribution “according to merit”. Thus, about two-thirds of Russians believe justice is a way of wealth distribution according to the work done.

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Публикации по итогам проекта "Новые культурные практики в условиях глобализации: формирование межкультурной коммуникации"

По итогам проекта "Новые культурные практики в условиях глобализации: формирование межкультурной коммуникации" подготовлены публикации: .

Jatina L.

Dobrobytspołeczny młodzieży Sankt petersburga I Gdańska

/ Pod red.A. Bachórz, O. Biezrukowej, L. Michałowskiego, W. Siemionowa. Sankt Petersburg: Wyd-wo “Skifia-print”, 2012 – 426 s.

Ятина Л.И.

Влияние моды на формирование новых культурных практик (на примере практик экологизма). C. 139-152.

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