Ivanov S.A., Snopova S.M.
Priorities of development of Personnel Potential for the Innovation Economy of regions in Russia
Perspective for the development of Russia and Germany as members of the WTO. Collection of scientific articles / Under edidorship Sovershaeva L.P. SPB.: GUAP, 2013. Р. 38-40.
The article analyze problems of staffing of the scientific and innovative sphere. Presents the results of assessment of the factors which are slowing down involvement of university graduates in the science and innovations sphere. The conclusion: the negative transformation of social and economic space, crisis in economy are factors for reducing of motivation of youth to innovative activity. As well, the scientific and innovative sphere isn't ready to provide the necessary conditions for graduates: high salary, conditions for researches, clear prospects of career development, etc. Recommendations for involving graduates to the scientific and innovative sphere are submitted.