What right lunch is in the eyes of residents of St.Petersburg

Ganskau E. Yu., Minina V. N.,
Journal of sociology and social anthropology
Volume XVIII, № 1 (78), 2015, pp. 83-99

What right lunch is in the eyes of residents of St.Petersburg
This article describes the key findings of 26 in-depth interviews with residents of St.Petersburg focusing on ideas of “right lunch” in the context of contemporary eating practices.
The authors focused on the following research problems:
How do residents of St.Petersburg have lunch on regular days?
How do they interpret the concept of “right lunch”?
What do city residents consider right or wrong in their lunch?
What prevents city residents from realizing the principles of “right food” in practice?
This research is part of a big project on everyday food consumption conducted in two stages.

Stage one. A survey of residents of St.Petersburg and Leningrad region (N=800) was conducted by the Resource Center for Sociological and Internet Research of the St.Petersburg State University in 2013. The survey examined food content, food structure and social context of food consumption as well as attitude to food (in different contexts).
Stage two. Semi-structured in-depth interviews with residents of St.Petersburg (N = 26) aged 25-54 supported by the Resource Center for Sociological and Internet Research of the St.Petersburg State University in 2014. The interviews analyzed the interpretation of the concept of “right lunch” in the context of everyday eating practices. The researchers assumed that it is respondents of this age (25-54 years old) – employment age - who have problems with eating “right lunch” because of their employment-related activities.

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