The telephone survey "Informational electoral politics of power institutions in post-communist countries" has started.
Project lead - Popova Olga, Sc.D in Political science, professor,Department of Political science.
The telephone survey "Russian province between dead end and modernization: models of development for small towns and life strategies of their residents" has ended. Project lead - Ilin V, Sc.D in Sociology, professor, Faculty of Sociology.
The telephone survey "Russian province between dead end and modernization: models of development for small towns and life strategies of their residents" has started. Project lead - Ilin V, Sc.D in Sociology, professor, Faculty of Sociology.
The telephone survey "New cultural practices in the context of globalization: formation of intercultural communication" has ended. Project lead - Tangalicheva R. Ph.D in Sociology, Docent, Department of Sociology of culture and communications.
The telephone survey "New cultural practices in the context of globalization: formation of intercultural communication" has started. Project lead - Tangalicheva R. Ph.D in Sociology, Docent, Department of Sociology of culture and communications.
The telephone survey "Social practices of government and church charity donations for families and children has ended. Project lead - Voronov Alexandr, Ph.D in Sociology
The telephone survey "Social practices of government and church charity donations for families and children" has started. Project lead - Voronov A., PhD. in Sociology
The telephone survey "Labor migration as factor for social inequality" has ended. Project lead Ivleva Irina, PHd in socioolgy.
The telephone survey "Labor migration as factor for social unstability" has started. Project lead - Ivleva Irina, Ph.D in Sociology, faculty of Sociology.
On June 1st. 2012 Resource Center "Center for sociological and Internet research" began its work.