
«Eating practices Survey»/ Cравнительный анализ практик питания в России и северных странах Европы (Норвегия, Дания, Швеция, Финляндия)

Analytical stage for the project «Eating practices Survey» has started. Project lead: Vera Minina, professor at the department: Sociology of culture and communication. The project is holding with the collaboration of Scandinavian Institutes for Administrative Research. 


Идет подготовительный этап проекта «Мониторинг процесса реализации основных образовательных программ высшего профессионального образования и оценки удовлетворенности студентов преподаванием учебных дисциплин, предусмотренных учебными планами на 2012/2013

Preparation to the current project "Monitoring of the basic educational programs of higher professional education and esteem scale of student's satisfaction" has started.

Students from the faculty of international relations, faculty of sociology, faculty of politology and faculty of economics will participate in online survey.

For now it is gathering actual information about current disciplines and list of students, who will fill in the questionnaire. 


Обучение в Зимней школе методов и технологий ECPR

From 16.02.2013 till 23.02.2013 specialists of the Resource center Tsareva Aleksandra and Tsyganova Ksenia trained at University of Vienna.

They took courses of Winter school of methods and the ECPR technologies.

Aleksandra received "Agent-based Modelling in the Social Sciences" and "Introduction to Data Access & Management" certificate,

Ksenia received "Introduction to Applied Social Network Analysis" and "Introduction to SPSS" certificate.  


Результаты телефонного опроса в рамках проекта «Мониторинг правоприменения в области здравоохранения»

In the section "St.Petersburg State University News" all are welcome to examine results of the telephone survey which has passed in November,

2012 within the "Right Application Monitoring in the field of Health Care" project:

"Only 9% of citizens consider as the main problem of health care in Petersburg corruption: need to bribe, carry out informal surcharges to doctors" 


Завершен опрос студентов

On January of 25 Internet poll of students from the Smolninsky campus has ended.

Results of the poll are transferred to Managements of educational programs for the directions: international relations, political science, sociology and economy. 


Завершен телефонный опрос по теме «Государственная политика и управление в условиях трансформации современной публичной сферы: национальные и глобальные контексты»

The telephone survey on a subject "A state policy and management in the conditions of transformation of the modern public sphere is complete: national and global contexts".

The project manager is Smorgunov Leonid, the Doctor of Philosophy, professor at the faculty of political science.  
