
Завершен эмпирический проект «Влияние национальных ценностей на развитие политической культуры студенческой молодежи СПб»

The project "Impact of national values on the development of youth political culture in Saint-Petersburg" by Ytina A. Student (4th year), Department of sociology of political and social processes (Faculty of Sociology) has ended. Tsyganova K, and Thareva A. have mentoring this project.


Стартует проект «Анализ влияния процессов международной экономической интеграции Российской Федерации в рамках ВТО и ОЭСР на достижение Россией ведущих позиций в мировой экономике»

Software development for the project "Analysis of the impact of international economic integration processes of the Russian Federation within the framework of the WTO and the OECD to achieve Russia's leading position in the global economy" has started.

The client for this project is "The State Reserch Insitute of System Analysis of the Account Chamber of the Russian Federation" has started." 
