What is Justice for Russians?

According to the survey conducted by SPSU using a representative country sample, more respondents (39.7%) consider justice to be a way of distribution of spiritual and material wealth “according to labor”. About a quarter of respondents (23.2%) believe justice is a way of wealth distribution “according to merit”. Thus, about two-thirds of Russians believe justice is a way of wealth distribution according to the work done.

Other popular answers were a way of wealth distribution “according to abilities” (10,1%) and “according to law” (8,8%). The differences in opinion between men and women are not significant. The older the respondent, the more he/she is inclined to connect justice with wealth distribution “according to labor”: only 32,9% of respondents 18-29 years old and 46,3% of those aged 60 and above shared such an opinion.
Only 4,2% of respondents agree with a principle to share wealth equally by all. One can notice an apparent influence of age cohorts on the popularity of this answer. Compared to older respondents, more respondents (5,7%) from the youngest cohort agree with this way of wealth distribution.

Question: “Justice is a way of distribution of spiritual and material wealth according to…” (closed question, one answer), %

Варианты ответов Все опрошенные, %
labor 39,7
merit 23,2
abilities 10,1
law 8,8
equally by all 4,2
needs 3,4
mutual gains 2,4
connections, acquaintances, relationships 1,0
title, position held 0,9
origin 0,6
other 0,2
refused to answer 5,4


