
Student study practice at the “Center for sociological and internet research” Resource Center has begun

A study practice at the “Center for sociological and internet research” Resource Center for junior sociology students (specializing in 38.03.03 “Personnel management”) has begun. The study practice aims at giving a quality collection of information on the needs in programs for HR-specialists education. Research supervisor is Vera Nikolaevna Minina, Doctor of Sociology, professor of the sociology of culture and communication chair.


Student study practice at the “Center for sociological and internet research” Resource Center has ended

A study practice at the “Center for sociological and internet research” Resource Center has ended. A group of twelve sophomore sociology students (specializing in applied information science in sociology) has received an experience of working with standard procedures performed within a scope of survey research. These procedures include the following: task and hypothesis setting, data processing and report writing. In addition, the students have learnt techniques of Big Data analysis and ways of visualization of research results in Tableua. The practice lead was Daria Judina, a Resource Center specialist.
